Monday, February 28, 2011


I did recover from the recovering of crampy mucous gut shark-week I mentioned in my last post..
but I am still sick. or sick again - or something. Fevers decided to return all vengeful and sweaty.. I'd bitch about it more but it seems I am in the same boat as everyone. Dontcha love the change of the seasons??
Buy me some nyquil.

I really don't feel like posting anything (hence it being Monday and not Friday)
.. but here is the week in a minute vid

and some pictures:

Mom bought Rory and Lory matching outfits- and Rory was stoked even their shoes matched.


We went to the over priced cathedral fest with money we didn't really have- but the time out was nice. Rory had a blast and I needed that.
Rory has been playing a lot with the neighbor kids ,and still loving school.Luckily her immune system seems to be way stronger than mine.

Ri has been doing really well at his new job- he seems to like it.

... me?
well, things have been better.
things have been worse.
it's hard to not let it all bring me down.. and well, I've been down..
it's all pretty crap tho.
lets hope it improves. starting with this dumb sick shaking off.
I gotta go pick up the kid.
Maybe I will feel more bloggy soon



Joye said...

I so hope you feel more bloggy soon, :)

Loved the matching outfits on the girls!!!

Get well soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the kids had a blast at the cathedral fest, and the matching outfits how cute are they. Hope you feel better soon sweetie! <3