Suuper quick too tired, tooo late blog post!
Look at the cutie visitor I woke up to this morning.Ri's baby sis's babe- Baby Lily.
We babysat a few hours so her mommy could work today.-following some family drama that left Lily sitterless-
She is a super sweet babe, and played quietly with me early this morn while I let Ri & Rory sleep in a bit...
Well she did get SUPER fussy before her big nap this morning.
Lily was a big help Cooing ,grunting ,and "elling" (as Rory calls it) at them to wake them up.
I had the heater on and it got a little too toasty in here- I changed Lil Lilys outfit- but then turned the heat off and changed her back..
Ri took Rory with him to the grocery store to pick up some extra baking goods and snacks.
Rory LOVES shopping just her and her Daddy- but wasn't very eager to leave Lily.
Sari called and checked on Lily lots-understandable, it is much different to drop your child off somewhere when you never do- on top of I have never watched her,formula was also all new to me. Lily was pretty easy baby though,and I think she had a great time.
When they got home Val called to exchange gifts.
We got her a really pretty green tea bath set. Smelled great too, she seemed to like it.
I love bath sets- it is like a simple pleasure no one ever buys for themselves..
but I can't use most of them with my hypersensitive skin. It is nice to pick them out for other people.
seth seemed to think it was pretty awesome though
Very cool.
...but,, it turns out that is the same playset my parents had got Rory.
I called to break the news to mom and dad- but got a very grumpy Lissy.
I feel terrible because Val described the toy she bought months ago, as did JJ- and I for some reason thought they were NOT the same one.. I really feel like it is all my fault.
Sari came and picked up Lily and got her birthday present. A lavender bathset-which she seemed to love. We know bath stuff is always perfect for Sari.
Ri concerned sounding- asked me how much I "enjoyed watching that baby".
listen,I LOVE babies. Always have. It wasn't until I had my own that I realized how much differnt your own is than someone elses. I Still love babies- but I don't want to do the baby thing again.FOR SURE, not the newborn thing. Visits are lovely though.-He was relevied tp hear that reaffirmed after my day with a baby. Which was surprising from him.
For years he has been the one less sure if he was DONE.He says he has just recently started to think he is.He is really enjoying Rory, her age and her abilitys which grow everyday.It's hard to imagine having another kid on top of all that ,you know?hard to imagine another child not taking away from what we can do for Rory , in many ways... Oh how I am hoping he is rethinking not getting a vasectomy.---
I called my parents house again- wondering what they were going to do about the double present... she def doesn't NEED it I am sure she has plenty of toys- hell she had plenty before any xmas presents- I was just wondering if there was a plan.
Instead got my hormonal ungrateful sister pulling her woe is me holiday act,and hanging up on me.
I put up the phone, just grumbling. Ri told me he was proud of me, he could here me stay calm and cool trying to rationlize with her.At least Ri could hear me trying
Our 6 mo break from Directtv was up. .. they told us we had to get it turned on- or pay to get the canceled compleatly- weirdness.. well Ri went ahead and had them turn it on today considering we have to pay a month for it before we can put it on hold again.So YAY we have TV.
Ri also made yummy dinner. He worked seitan into chicken nuggets - which were good..but Rory wasn't impressed by the italian style breading.She at a surprising amount of the side he tossed together of squash,zuccini, tomatos and corn.
Rory played with her playset and watched the upside down show till she crashed...
...We managed to stay up watching Top Gear wrapping the handful of presents we had got Rory, and a few other gifts we had left.
I had feared running out of paper.Far from it, nah we just ran out of tape instead. I guess I will be shoving dads gift into a bag. -darn.
Tommorrow we are doing a laast minute scramble for Grammy the grapes Xmas Eve party- and Chirstmas as well.
So, I need to go to bed..
Wish me a little more holiday peace ,and less family stress for the next few days.
hmm I wonder if i should turn the tv in the bedroom>?
G'night- and Happy Holidays
1 comment:
Aww, Rory looked so cute with Lily. It is nice that you and Ri are on the same page in regards to more kids. wishing you less family stress and a peaceful new beginning of the year.
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