Saturday, November 3, 2007

comes with the season

Fucking PMS.Hell of a way to start a blog,huh? So ,yeah,All the negativity about my body,cleaning EVERYTHING ,and this terrible break out,must be close.Damn,I hate all these hormones.

Rory has been a hellion.I think mostly from all that candy she had Halloween,she is balancing out now,back to my sweet kiddo...I hope anyway.My patience was tried Thursday with all her tantrums.

Yesterday,she was much better with the exception of nap time.I tried to get some exercise in,and cleaned.Rory played outside with Noobs,digging and running, all yesterday.(We need to work on them BOTH being more gentle with one another.Noobie tried to play full on tug of war with Rory ,and Rory trying to jump on her and call her "stinkface". ) The weather has been soo awesome.Well,actually it has been really overcast, but the temps have been GREAT. I have all the windows open.The air is so wet my lungs hurt,and my allergies have been keeping me up at night-and still,I am loving the smell of the cool autumn air finally blowin in.

Ri came home late last night with his cousins(who we rarely see) and had a few drinks-well he did at least,they didn't stay long.We stayed up and talked and smoked a black & mild (can't even remember the last time I had one) after Rory went to be.I have been missing him soo much.we caught up on a lot of things.Talked about wishes,hopes ,fears,the future ,all that stuff.He says he doesn't mind working now,but at the same times he worries about being "working dad" and never around for Rory.Talked about my fears of going back to school and feeling stupid.

Rory has been such a kewl helping kid this morning she helped make breakfast-she picked french fries to go with breakfast though.LOL.

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