I can't even begin to describe how excited for Halloween and trick or treating Rory was!
It was soo neat she was so happy ,she had so much fun. Talk about reliving the joys of holidays. That's what kids are for ,right ;) ?
Soooo Halloween and we woke up late. Ri went to work with hopes of coming right back home.I really hoped he would come home because I couldn't figure out how we could do both Halloween festival with Val- and Trick orTreating with Terah without Ri,and I really didn't want to have to choose between the two of them.
Well, at 5 I hadn't heard from Terah, and had no way to get a 'hold of her,and Ri hadn't called so I assumed he had to stay at work.
So, we started getting ready to go out with Val and Seth:
Rory was simply tickled pink to get to put on makeup and loads of pixie dust
Isn't she CUTE!!
Got a little Cap'n in you??
Right as Val pulled up ,Ri called saying HE WAS off work- and on his was home,but it would be another hour drive home.
So I decided not to wait- installed the car seat in Val's car and have Ri meet us at the party.
(a festival at a local church)
Candy and Games! Rory was far too shy,but in kid heaven. Val gave them glow stick necklaces.
Rory came around after a few games. Ring toss,bean bag toss, mini bowling,"fishing"- all that fun stuff.
She was sooo little they let her get closer , and cheat a little. and gave candy for each game even though she didn't win.We made some rounds doing little games.Drew a crowd when she played ring toss- neither of us realized until the entire party of people roared with applause after she made a ring LOL. She was a little embarrassed to turn around and see a huge amount of people. It was really cute tho.
The church took our addy's and gave us all coupons for a free soda,cupcake and hotdog.
I had no use for a hot dog -and I will prolly get some "spiffy jesus mail".
We did eat the cupcake and some soda .
Then went on the hay ride. Val and I had no intention of going . We were just going to send Seth,but Rory was gung ho. So we hoped on (as best we could in our costumes)
Seth- as Commander Cody ,he said.. I know nothing about starwars..
Val had the most awesome costume. A dark fairy of sorts..with really kewl false lashes and make up-I meant to get pic,but didn't. :(
Our hayride was a bit scarier than it should have been. I was worried the driver would topple us all as he cut off other drivers and bicyclists.
For awhile Rory was the only one small enough for the bounce house. She got to do it over and over...and get some fruit snacks every time.
They filled their treat bags. Ri showed up -still in his work whites- as our hay ride ended. ROry was over joyed and surprised to see him.
He moved the car seat to our car while we played a few more games.
We decided to take the kids for real door to door trick or treating,Rory has been begging to go!
Val followed us. Ri had this idea to go to Satsuma were they used to take his sis- but there were NO lights on.
No one does trick or treaters anymore. We ended up all the way into welaka driving around...
We found about 5 houses. ..it payed off because they were also excited to see trick or treaters.The 1st house was a group of vacationers from Michigan who even took pics of the kids they were so happy!
This guy gave all the parents candy
It was a HUGE pain to get Rory -tulle tutu, wings and all- in and out of the car seat between drives to the houses, and we couldn't find a single street with many lights on to walk.
Val had to take Seth to his dads and we decided to end out candy scavenger hunt pretty early.
Rory had MORE than enough candy and fun though.
We found out our buddy was working at the local pizza place and got a white pizza... I bribed her to eat at least a few crusts with her candy.She stayed up ALL night digging through her candy stash.
Surprisingly,At near dawn she gathered up all leftover candy ,asked me to put it up, and give her some "real food" . She fell asleep after eating a bowl of oatmeal- spoon still in her mouth when I woke her to brush her teeth.
The next,,,um- "morning" Ri went to work and I called mom- instead got my, very confused, brother JJ. Mom was 'sposed to pick me up for Amy(baby sis') s early b-day, late halloween costume party...but I hadn't heard from her.Turns out no one had.
A few minutes later JJ called back,sounding a bit panicked) telling me , he had teenagers (Amy's friends) but no idea where mom or my sisters where!LOL! I woke up the kid and got our costumes together ,in case she was on her way to us-but ,he called back and said Mom came home(she had expected the teens to show up later)..and said he was going to pick us up.
JJ's new car has latch and tether - much easier to install the carseat..but its two door so it took some wrangling to get the huge thing in the door.
J warned us the teens were loud and goofy.
Rory was a little intimidated she ran past them out on the spooky decorated porch ,to the living room inside with aunt Lissy and Mom.She happily ate ice creamand chips and watched cartoons.
Lissys cat "RickJames" was having yet another huge litter of kittens- much to the dismay- of well, everyone. Cat needs to get fixed.
Lissy put on her angel costume, mom made some yummy punch and Bo(Lissy's BF ) started the bonfire. While the teens were loud and entertaining outside.
Rory petting a kitty.. who would love nothing more than to escape.
They made some veggie dogs-and regular dogs- I gave Rory one on a bun. She looked displeased. I figured she didn't want the dog, I told her " just eat the bun if you like"- but no, she didn't want the bun,instead she peeled the dog out of the bun and crumpled the bun as if it was was cheap packaging and handed it to Mom- I thought Lissy would pee her costume at the sight.
She is soo preggy she says it hurts to laugh.
She is due in March and really starting to look knocked up. She says it bothers her- cashiers notice and such.-but dude, at least they don't just think you look fatty, like the did when I was that far along!
We set her up for some pics on Bo's bike
Oh,dear- more candy!Twizzler dipped in pixie stix
We vaguely planned a trip to a haunted cemetery - and I altered my outfit to not be so obviously in a pirate costume...but ,all but one kid ended up leaving.
So we took "mini Colbert" (a kid dressed like a devo band member-black outfit with a red flower pot on his head - who talked such republican diatribe I really wasn't sure if it was satire)... with Amy ,Lissy ,Bo and me( I left Rory with mom and JJ)
We went into the woods to a cemetery at the end of a dead end road. I was more afraid of land owning, gun toting rednecks,and Lissy's driving than of the cemetery itself.... but I was too scared to get out. Bo and "mini Colbert" did for awhile...but we just laughed about how it would end in a horror movie.
When we got back to moms we gathered our things to leave.Rory almost crushed Sniffles the cat (who oddly purred even folded in an awkward way) -while Lissy ,Bo, and Amy played with Amys ougia board type psychic board trying to ask spirits when her baby would come. Or if they would move to St.Augustine
Rory tantrumed for a second ,then crashed out HARD. I was surprised she had been so well behaved considering her prior artificial coloring/flavoring candy overload.
Ri came home and made burritos- Rory even wrapped her beans cheese and salsa in a tortilla-OMG she is getting soo good about food touching!!
She was so gross candy sticky,me and JJ had joked she was sweating candy. Ri and I managed to toss her in the bath for awhile, and watch most of Interview with a Vampire before we all crashed.(she fell asleep watching Casper episodes on Hulu while I caught the end of the movie :) )
Today , it was kind of rainy and dreary.We set the clocks back..so it gets dark when we are getting up.Great...we are nocturnal. :(
Lissy called and asked if she could have her baby shower at my house in a few months. Probably be better if she waits till after xmas- but I said ok.I guess we are kewl again. I am slightly worried Sari will be hurt-since I didn't ever throw a shower for her..tho me and ri's mom did discuss it we didn't know sari's friends or how to do it.We never managed to get Rj in on it either- I feel bad we never threw one for her-but I doubt we would really have the ability to without some help from one of them- i dunno their friends.
..I told Lissy she could have the party here- but MOM would have to be the one to really "throw it",since I obviously suc..Doubting Ri would care( he doesn't).
Rory dressed up again today, as a princess, and pranced around the house making a gigantor mess, while I watched Tv on hulu and cleaned the kitchen.
When Ri called he told me his mom had bought her a new littlest pet shop toy.. so we told her she needed to start cleaning up her mess to make space for her new toy- I cannot believe that worked!! When Ri got home and gave her the new pink lamb,pony and wheelbarrow toy he called his mom so she could hear Rory was SO excited ,it was so cute!
Ri made more mex food(homemade tortillas and refried the leftover black beans)- drank rum and diet dr.pepper and is now passed out REALLY COLD on the couch.At lease he is off work tomorrow.lol
I am getting pretty sleepy ,too.
Goodnight in the early morning folks.