Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Of spike,itching,food,and perspective

I don't even wanna admit how heavily photoshopped that picture is(beyond the obvious color)
..but its pretty,and I AM getting handy with a PS brush. Shows off my new spike that finally came :) -- not NEAR as late as we anticipated.

Soo, What exactly AM I doing up at 11 am while everyone else is FINALLY fast asleep?
Our schedule the past few day(s) is soo shot to shit it is mostly just structured naps...
Really sucks ,because just a couple of days ago Rory was going to bed right on time and waking up perfectly.Its admittedly completely our fault.Monday night Rory crashed at 11. Ri stayed at the gym WAY TOO EFFING late- and for whatever stupid reason- I couldn't sleep and stayed up and ate dinner with him when he got home.(I did take a half hour nap)--So then, of course at 3 am when we were near sleep finally- the kid woke up and stayed up late into the morning.
Then begins the downward spiral of caffeine, irritation, Rory not sleeping right, grumpiness that instantly shoots us to a bedtime of 5 am.
Oh, BUT- to top it off sudden full blown Itchy burny yeast infection which is currently making sleeping hard to do. I woke up at 9 and had to jump in the shower to feel better.I've never really had a bad YI, mild ones at best..I guess I should be thankful Rory is weaned and I don't have to worry about thrush as well.
I am trying the clove of garlic remedy- ...which cheeses RI out to no end. The jokes don't stop.Homegrown garlic bread har-har.I am able to laugh at myself though,making as many jokes as him.. its pretty damn funny.

Food. has been such a sudden "issue" for me. Resent Long discussions about what is healthy, and what isn't healthy ,and what you should pick over this or that- and comments about too many carbs-have me dissecting our food choices once again..
PLUS,have been worrying about the sheer AMOUNT I eat,being as sedentary as I am lately..Something I have NEVER worried about before.
So now, I worry much more about Rory's carb snacking than I should..
I worry more about MY intake than I should.The simple fact of the matter is YES- I eat A LOT of carbs,
I eat A LOT in general of fruits and veggies...
BUT, I DON"T eat meat, I eat very little dairy,
Those carbs I eat are WHOLE grains..and I AM very mindful of the quality of the food we buy buy..even if I am not very mindful of how much of it I consume...Which I s'pose I should start being more aware of,but I SHOULD NOT obsess over it -like I sometimes tend to do.. I find myself battling me.
Sooo ANYWAY..For lunch Sunday, all that in mind ,and a pack of tofu about to go bad I made Tofu scramble-
Rory helped

I thought helping might get her to try it..FAIL. She did eat soy cheese and broccoli but wanted no part of the tofu in it.She tasted it with chocolate bribery.She IS a really good eater..
She just refuses to taste a lot of things which leaves us with her eating only one of the dishes- Like eating all her bread/carb/ serving but not eating the veg with dinner- but..she is a tot and she does snack on fruits and veg,and beans and proteins though out the day.What matters at her age is by the end of the week her diet has been balanced.Proteins seem to be her fav lately, i worry about he veg intake, but at least most our protein sources are mixed with veg- like garden burgers.Yes, I should really keep that end of the week thing in mind and not obsess, huh?

I took some pics when we got our new body jewelry in the mail(.. really surprised it came as soon as it did..The erson we ordered from in Canada wrote us to tell us not to expect anytime soon the speed of shipping from CA to the states tends to suk.)
Ri got some new bead captive hoops for his cartilage ear piercing,too - i haven't got any pics though.

You may have noticed lately I don't have as many pics of Rory...Well she has been painfully camera shy for pics(videos she will allow on her time):

I did get a camera avoiding hug though

The spike is long- and probably not near as hazardous as it appears. i love it dearly...but its def not for wearing around the house.
Rory's got a new fav movie. "Oliver In Company" Which she begs to watch too many times a day- She still spends much of the day playing with her beloved Littlest Pet shop toys though.
We JUST found out we can watch movies on Netflix (while we are subscribed this month) for FREE... WOOT. Only SOME movies play..
but, We did watch The secret of Nihm,- One of my FAVs from my childhood.Rory got really into it ,but it was a bit scary.
We also watched the pebble and the penguin- VERY much a musical,and a bit predictable,but a CUTE movie, it had penguins what more could Rory want,she loved it.

It was a stormy nasty day- Ri had hoped to go swimming,but it was way to yucky out..Instead he spent much of the day making Veggie pot pie.
He cheated a teeny bit with store bought pie crusts,and canned cream of mushroom-But LOOADED them with fresh veggies -cut thick.OMG SoOOo GOOD.
Ate WAY WAY too much,I can't remember the last time I was that FULL. Rory wasn't soo impressed.She did try though,after a little mini over hungry tantrum.

ONE more pic:

This is perspective:

I save glass containers. I wash and reuse them.They don't pick glass recycling here - So I HOARD..
But , LOOk My cabinet is FULL. I will have to find a glass drop off . It does make me think,
we use FEW things that come in glass packaging.Most comes in plastic ,canned,or cardboard- easily triple the amount of glass packaging.Granted,we recycle most of that- still LOOk. Thats a lot consumed.Could you imagine 10 times that many cardboard boxes??5 times that many cans?
20 times that much plastic??

Sooo, I hafta go.The weather looks FAR FAR nicer than expected. I think I will wake up the house and see if we can sneak off somewhere before it gets nasty.

Lissy just called with some juicy drama and she is half stranded in DC...not sure if she'll be home soon or in Indy again...interesting.kinda what I feared when she said she was going-sigh.

1 comment:

North Carolina Mom said...

Spikey! Man, you could really poke someone with that thing!

I know what you mean about the food thing, it's a pain!