Sunday, May 15, 2011

Princess Rory takes on the Book Fair

Today was the book fair.
.. As I was told from the second the morning sunlight hit the window, until we were actually getting on the bike to go there.
Rory wanted to bring half the house, Just IN Case we ran into her classmates.
She also wanted to dress in a very particular "pretty book fair outfit" .. which took a lot of work on my part to keep decent .
" I'm sorry dear , I don't know why they make dress-up clothes so revealing and itchy, but you will HAVE to wear something under it to be comfortable" .

I also knew there would be a bounce house.
"You cannot go in a bounce house with out shorts on under your tutu, the mommy handbook demands it.
Yes, there is a mommy hand book I saw it for 22.99 at the book fair. "

She also wore ALL of the bracelets we'd made (Mostly , me. I won't lie)
In hopes of seeing certain classmates to give them too.
She gave one to a boy, because it matched his cast. lol. I don't think he much cared, but it was sweet.

She met up with another classmate and I took him to the bounce house and slide with Rory (for his mom, who was working the book fair)
Which was perfect they ended up being the only two kids in the bounce house, and being probably the only kindy kids there at that moment I was very glad for another kid her size, to bounce with her . Everyone oohed and ahhed over her spunky little fashon sense, she showed off her tutu,princess shirt,bracelets , and/or cowgirl boots to everyone who stopped to give her a second glance.

She did o.k. picking books, her behavior wasn't the best as I steered her past stuffed animals and overpriced knickknacks towards the actual books in her reading level. She did find two cute books ( a barbie fairy one, and another littlest petshop book)
with stickers and paper dolls in them..

..but she LOST her cool when she couldn't find a pink velvet pencil and had to settle for a purple one.
We held up the line a bit and I ended up carrying her out, teary eyed.. but it was ok. I tossed her onto the big kid playground all by herself, and she had a blast.

We even made it home in enough time to hang out with Ri between his jobs/sleep. ( he worked this morning in the seafood dept, took a nap, and is JUST now heading out for his shift at the factory).
She seemed to be in a better grove today, I don't think I once had to even mention the possibility of a timeout. If only she could have went to bed closer to on time.

I did get to talk to my mom a bit JUST now for her birthday,
she said her and dad went to stay at a hotel on the beach for the weekend, and it sounds like they had fun. :)

I think I am going to go watch some more mind numbing tv, but I'll be back before ya know it .
Maybe with something more interesting than book fair rambling .



Joye said...

Tell Rory her sense of fashion is impeccable, :)

babyhellfire said...

Thanks!! :) I will lol . I love her spuninesss,until it turns to sass and get directed at me that is